Category Archives: Stewardship

Laying Down a Heavy Crown

Which kingdom will dominate your life today?  There are two to choose from.  Jesus came to announce the coming of the kingdom of God.  In His life, death and resurrection the kingdom of God has come with victory and power.  As followers of Jesus we are now citizens of this eternal kingdom.  But here’s the catch.  It requires us to submit everything we are and everything we have to that one kingdom, and its .

Been Hated Lately?

I’ll make a confession, I like to be liked.  Maybe I’m vain, but I don’t go out of my way to do things that will make people dislike me.  If given the choice, I will act in ways that are acceptable, even commendable to most all people.  And I’ll bet you’re pretty much like me.  So what do we do with Matthew 10:21 where Jesus says, “You will be hated by everyone because of .

Where is that Narrow Road?

Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-15) How do you visualize the broad and narrow roads?  I used to think of them as running parallel with the one being like a four-lane freeway and .

What is Holistic Stewardship?

At the 2007 Christian Stewardship Association conference in Dallas I spoke about “holistic stewardship” and many people asked me how I defined the term. To me, holistic stewardship begins with God’s intention for His creation and His gracious decision to create humanity in God’s image. It is built further on the central Christian tenet that the God in whose image we have been created is the God we know in Jesus Christ. God’s self-revelation .

Accountability for All the Wrong Reasons

Most all Christians would agree that accountability is important to the process of growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. We seek accountability for ourselves and we agree to hold others accountable for the sake of spiritual development and public witness. In this way, true accountability is an integral part of carrying out the command to “make disciples.” Yet there is another aspect to accountability that is important to understand.  Accountability is a response to .

How Does a Steward Pray?

As God’s people we are called to be people of prayer. We are also called to live as godly stewards. And there is a powerful integration of these two callings, a rich interconnectedness that can ignite both a deeper prayer life and more passionate pursuit of godly stewardship. Scripture gives us an illustration of how we should pray and a theology of what it means to be a steward. As we look at each .


As Evangelicals our theological heritage and commitment to Biblical authority uniquely equip us to develop and practice a rich, holistic and uncompromising theology of stewardship. The goal of this chapter is to look at six evangelical theological convictions that form a theology of stewardship, namely a christocentric epistemology, the Trinity, the creation of humanity in the Imago Dei, the fall and the corruption of all creation by sin, the incarnation and atoning work of .