When will it end? The attack on faith in our country by the ‘political correctness police’ continues unabated. The latest place that God is no longer welcome is on Alaska Airlines flights. For as long as I can remember meals served in first class have been accompanied by a simple little 1″ by 2″ slip of paper with a Psalm printed on it under the Alaska Airline logo. Alaska has a history of being owned and lead by believers and I always saw this as a little token of that fact that shone like light in an industry that seems to strain anymore just to be hospitable. Over the years I have used these ‘prayer cards’ as book marks, and they customarily prompted in me a prayer before the airline’s meager culinary offering.
But no more. I am sitting on the second flight in the past two days where the little witness to God’s presence was missing. I asked the flight attendant and he told me rather sheepishly that ‘some people got upset, so starting February 1st we won’t be using them anymore.’ Upset? Upset at what? Alaska was not preaching the gospel over the loud speaker. These were not the Four Spiritual Laws, just a Psalm. There was no altar call before landing, no Communion served between dinner and the warm nuts. Just a few words from the greatest selling book of all time that represents the faith of over 80% of all Americans.
If these little slips contained quotes by Shakespeare, or Will Rogers or even Ghandi, would people be upset? What is it about the simple word of God that is so repulsive that people created in His image cannot even tolerate having them fall within their view? The same people who were ‘upset’ likely label Christians as ‘intolerant’, and yet they cannot tolerate the display of a simple bible verse which they can easily tuck away under their bloody mary glass. On Monday I will be calling Alaska Airlines and asking them about the value of my voice, because I am UPSET as well. Does our voice as believers, as followers of Jesus count? Will we stand up and say ‘enough is enough?’
I had an encouraging conversation with two representatives in the Alaska Board Room who openly shared my incredulity that a single Scripture could be found so offensive that a major corporation would change a decades-old practice, which is nothing less than a shift in its core values and basic operational principles that used to make Alaska the best airline in the country.
Here is my challenge. If you are upset and tired of seeing God forced out of every part of American life, let your voice be heard. On Monday, call or email Alaska Airlines and protest. Stay tuned, I will let you know what I learn, but I suspect our voice will be marginalized unless we speak loud enough. I will send you the email addresses of the CEO and every Board member if I can find them.
Are you tired of this? Is it time to take a stand? Are you with me?