KLP Publications

The Million Dollar Dime
April, 2012

The lives of a former drug dealer, a discouraged pastor, a wealthy widow, a defiant stewardship committee chairman and a ministry development officer intersect on one momentous night where they are changed forever by one small, thin dime. Read more…


The Third Conversion
April, 2011

Walter Rodgers is taking the biggest risk in is professional career. He has two days to help his new hire, Carl Burns, understand the radically new way that Hands of Love International raises money. The story of Walt and Carl is a parable for the biblical way of looking at our giving and asking when we are working for the kingdom of God.
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The Sower
June 1, 2010

Gary and I want to tell you plainly what this little book is about. Our purpose for writing it is to provide momentum to a movement that is already underway. This movement is aimed at the heart of every person who is in any way involved in the process of raising money or giving money for the work of God’s kingdom.
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The Steward Leader
April 30, 2010

This is not a ‘how-to’ book on leadership. It is a ‘who’ book. Its thesis is based on the premise that without a clear understanding and commitment to the ‘who’ of leadership, talking about the ‘how’ will be unfulfilling, impossible to sustain and ultimately will do a disservice to the Christian leader.
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Stewards of the Kingdom
Jan. 31, 2000

Too often we think stewardship concerns only the money we give to the church. But in the image of the steward, the Bible offers a perspective on our entire relationship with God. In Stewards in the Kingdom we provide a full and fresh picture of being Jesus’ disciples and living life in all of its fullness.
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The Abundant Life
Nov. 1, 2008

What does the abundant ife have to do with stewardship? Everything! Dr. Rodin unfolds an exciting and engaging process of rethinking stewardship. This book is a call to every Christian to embrace our calling to be holistic stewards, and to experience God’s freedom, peace and joy as a result.
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The Seven Deadly Sins of Christian Fundraising
Jan. 1, 2007

Seven Deadly Sins? They may not be what you think they are. Follow Dr. Rodin as he unpacks a new way of looking at the dynamics of raising money for Christian work. Based on over twenty-two years of experience, Rodin weaves sound Biblical theology with practical experience to challenge anyone who works in Christian fund raising.