Part I — One Owner

It’s all His

The journey of the faithful steward begins with one simple, transformational affirmation; everything that exists in every sphere of our life belongs to God and God alone. Everything.  Think about the four spheres of your life, examine each one and then list below 8-10 things that are the hardest for you to affirm as God’s alone.

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“The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who dwell in it.” Psalm 24:1

Five Essentials of a Steward

  1. A steward must have a relationship with the Owner

    1. Know and be known
    2. Communication
  2. A steward must have a mandate from the Owner

    1. Heart/Intention – What
    2. Purpose – Why
  3. A steward must understand the expectations of the Owner

    1. Vision 
    2. Limitations
  4. A steward must receive guidance from of the Owner

    1. Dialogue 
    2. Intentionality
  5. A steward must know the accountability and rewards that will come from the Owner

    1. Accounting
    2. Freedom and Joy

From Owner to Steward

Write your own definition of yourself as a faithful steward. 




As you read through the Five Essentials, and consider your definition of a faithful steward, rate yourself 1-10 on the strength, vitality and consistency of your life as a steward in each of the five areas.

  1. My relationship with the Owner
Low  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  High
  1. Knowing my mandate from the Owner
Low  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  High
  1. Understanding the expectations of the Owner
Low  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  High
  1. Being guided daily by the Owner
Low  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  High
  1. Prepared for the accountability/rewards from the Owner
Low  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  High


Identify one verse (or scriptural story) for each of the five essentials that best represent for you the life of the faithful steward.  Commit to memorize these five verses and use them as prayers and reminders every day of the life God has for you.

  1. A steward must have a relationship with the Owner
    • Scripture: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. A steward must have a mandate from the Owner
    • Scripture: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. A steward must understand the expectations of the Owner
    • Scripture: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. A steward must receive guidance from of the Owner
    • Scripture: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. A steward must know the accountability and rewards that will come from the Owner
    • Scripture:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Download this document here: Part I — One Owner