Part III – The Steward Leader in the Presence of God

The Gift of Intimacy (Worship and Mission)

I experience intimacy with God most profoundly when:





“We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be”
Oswald Chambers

Abiding – John 15


I confess there is spiritual stagnancy in my life, and I believe the main cause of it is:






My Commitment

Today, I will come against whatever is causing this stagnancy, and commit myself to thirst after true intimacy with God on a daily basis. My first step is:





My Daily Discipline

From Shallowness to the Next Deeper Step

  1. What, for you today, is the next deeper step in your relationship with Christ?
  2. Pray each morning that God would reveal to you that step, and grant you the courage and faith to take it.

Steward Leaders are United with the People they Serve in a Journey of Faith and Discovery

The effectiveness of your leadership of your people depends upon:

    1. Being passionate about their journey
    2. Being used by God in that journey
    3. Deeply desiring that they be set free
    4. Being committed to help them take their next deeper step

How can you better encourage others to be stewards of their relationship with God?





Steward Leaders Cultivate Culture

What are your strengths and weaknesses in modeling a lifestyle that will help cultivate a culture of generosity?









What one action are you willing to take to better model the life of a godly steward who has been set free?




Download this document here: Part III — The Steward Leader in the Presence of God