Part VI – The Steward Leader in Creation


I have practiced the nurture of God’s creation most when I:






“This is my father’s world.”


I confess that I am not always a faithful steward of God’s creation and I struggled the most in the following areas:







My Commitment

Today, I will come against whatever is causing this misuse of God’s creation and I will commit to the following action as my first step to becoming a more faithful steward:







My Daily Discipline

  1. Each morning submit your time, talents and resources to God’s work.
  2. Pray for the heart and vision to lead a lifestyle that reflects a love and care for God’s creation.

Steward Leaders Marshall Resources Effectively

Steward leaders who are free in the presence of God respond with joyful obedience by marshalling resources effectively.  The effective use and management of resources is among the greatest aspects of successful leadership. Every resource at our disposal is a stewardship opportunity.

List new ways that you will look at resources (including people, time, physical plant, etc.) through a stewardship lens?




What conclusions would you draw regarding how a Steward Leader might employ these resources in a way that is consistent with the theology we have developed?




Steward Leaders Create Organizational Consistency and Witness

Steward leaders who are free in the presence of God respond with joyful obedience by creating organizational consistency and witnessEverything we do in this world is a witness to our faithSteward Leaders seek organizational consistencyconsistent actions, attitudes and policies.

When the world looks at your school, does it see a consistent witness to godly stewardship on all four levels?




How does this affect your strategic planning? 




How does this affect your budgeting priorities?




How can you lead your team to be a more consistent witness to the call to be faithful stewards?




Download this document here: Part VI — The Steward Leader in Creation