On January 3rd I launched this blog and I have devoted the month to reflections on what it means to be ‘all-in’ for Christ and to denounce the ‘half-way’ Christian life. Thank you to all of you who have responded and who have signed up to follow my blog.
Here is my plan for the months ahead. There are ten Mondays between now and Easter. As a lead up to Easter I will be posting a blog each Monday on the theme ‘Refresh Your Spirit.’ These will be devotions that I pray will help you prepare your hearts for a rich and joyous Easter celebration. Please feel free to share these devotionals with family and friends.
In between my Monday devotionals I will be blogging primarily about our journey as faithful stewards. I believe this is the greatest journey of our lives as followers of Jesus. I look forward to inviting you to consider your own journey along this path of faith and joy.
If you are in any kind of leadership position (and that includes mothers and fathers) I will also be offering a challenge to consider what it means when we, as faithful stewards, are called to lead. The term steward leader is emerging as the new paradigm for Christian leadership. It is a dynamic term that I want to unpack with you in the months ahead.
Finally, I would ask for your prayers as I enter into one of the most intense seasons of speaking and travel that I have faced in a good long time. While I am excited for all of the opportunities (fourteen presentations in four weeks, ten of them in Australia), I also face a daunting number of hours on airplanes. I appreciate your prayers during this demanding and fulfilling season.
Watch for Monday’s first “Refresh Your Spirit’ devotional, and blessings for a restful Sabbath.